أجمل وأروع عبارات حب رومانسية بالإنجليزبة التي يمكن أن تقدمها لشخص تحبه إليكم بعض هذه
I want to wear your love, I want to enter into your vast space I
do not want to enter into your golden cage
Love is two people who laugh at the same things and feel sad at the
same moment without a prior agreement
if you find true love, know that you have found life
If you want others to love you, learn how to love yourself first
Love acts not words
Do not forget the day that we met . it changed history at least for
I knew what love is only when I found you
You are the iron in my shield, the wind in my sails and the beat
of my heart
For my sweet, loving girlfriend, we are perfect togethe thank you for sharing your life
with me
I wish to be the first thing you think about in the morning, my love
You have the capability to light up my world just like that honme
If I am the king of the deck, then my deck is not complete without
you my queen.
If I were given the power to bring back memories then I will bring back
the day I first looked into your eyes and fell in love with you. I
love you my dear love.
I failed to be your tears and neither could I make it to be your
smile but still you have managed to be my air which keeps me alive
اجمل عبارة الحب باللغة الانجليزية